Darkness Sherry Casks 8 Year Old - High-proof sherry goodness

Sam Simmons, the head of Atom Brands (and former global ambassador to The Balvenie), ran a tasting at The Caledonian last month. He was, as per his usual style, forthcoming. He made clear that he doesn’t want bloggers to write about Darkness Sherry Cask 8 Year Old. “It’s not about that. It’s about enjoying a terrific scotch with friends,” he said.

It was the same strategy he implored (and failed) with another of his products, Aerolite Lyndsay Islay 10 Year Old, and that ended up winning a world whisky award for best single Islay malt under twelve years. I also reviewed that one, so here’s to listening to you Sam! 🥃

Anyway, Darkness seems a competitor to Aberlour A'Bunadh. It’s not quite as boozy, but it’s also infinitely more drinkable. That’s the entirety of the point. Think of it like a gentler more subtler (but still boozy and intense) version of Aberlour A’bundah.. 

There’s a ton of younger whiskies available these days, both from the big companies and independent bottlers. I like a lot of them. Some are balanced and others are not. However, if you’re looking for a quick reach bottle of sherry finished scotch goodness, this is the best of the bunch. 

Darkness Sherry Cask 8 Year Old
Atom Brands

Category: Non-Distillery Producer, Sherry Casks
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Nose: Cinnamon sharpness (like the wafting sort where you’ve just sprinkled some on your pancakes), and caramel sweetness. There’s a little of that yeasty malty note. Lemon tarts. 

Palate: Nice hard hit of caramel and cinnamon spice, topped off with a peppery and buttery finish. Flavours are intense and nice, and the finish has that sour and sweet thing going. 

Conclusion: Stop going into your expensive stuff on a whim! This is one of those insta-buys for the regular whisky you’ll be drinking regularly that you won’t feel bad about buying another bottle. 

Disclaimer: Sam provided me a bottle of this whisky with no expectations. It had no influence on my review.